Virtues Guidance Oracle (todays focus….gaurdians and infinite supply)

It’s 3am and am wide awake with lots of things on my mind! Just cant quiet myself down!!!!!!! So….. I figured it’s a good time to blog about the day and pull my daily oracle. Actually I was drawn to 2 cards today. That happens sometimes and I call them “jumpers”. Extra card refuses to stay in the deck and when you reshuffle ……there it is again! First I’ll start with a little of my day. Was having a post op bad pain day so I slept wich Is why I’m so awake tonight. Feeling tension with a dear person to me in the family catagory. Since I’m an Empath this person doesn’t need to say a word….. I know there’s tension! The difference between feeling the awkwardness is that I can literally feel her pain and this person is sad. I have to remind myself constantly that I’m feeling her pain, not my own. Although this person probably thinks I’m the source of the pain , it’s a lack of understanding and this person not knowing how to let go of the icks! Sorting through why she feels this way and that the feeling has nothing to do with what she thinks it’s about. It’s a haunting insecurity but she’s no different than all of us……we all have it, but sometimes feel to vulnerable to admit it. So when I pulled my 2 cards, I realized they were for both of us. I pulled today from Doreen Virtue’s “Goddess Guidance” These happen to be my daughter’s favorite deck. Also anyone who chose to read this today, I believe these were drawn for you as well. #! I received the Goddess Artemis, her message” Like me you have a sacred mission to spread love and light. Yet, this isn’t a position that comes from tension or worry. Instead the gentle essence of a joyful heart and light hearted laughter sets your power into motion. Why would there be any tension in your mind or system, unless you believed you were somehow unsafe? And how could you be unsafe when you’ve called the spiritual warriors to watch over you? Your prayers have activated the flawless protection from heaven. Ease your mind of all the cares and concerns, and concentrate instead on your holy mission.” Your family is safe and the worst is now behind you. Artemis is the twin sister of Apollo the sun god. Artemis carries a bow and arrow with her always but never uses them to hurt anyone yet, she uses her bow and arrow to focus her intentions and thoughts to reach the mark of her manifestations. She particularly protects women and children. Funny this was my jumper and during talk of my day I mentioned tension and this card asks” Why would you have tension?” LOL! #2 Sedena (infinite supply) This is an abundant universe filled with more than enough for everyone. Yet the energy format about this planet is polarities. I’ts about giving and receiving . Balance the two. If you only give ,you feel drained and resentful….. if you only receive, you’ll never enjoy what you have. Balance comes from giving and receiving, it’s like breathing. Both the inhale and exhale are important. Practice giving and recieving daily and you’ll never want for more. Don’t worry about the future, know you’ll always have enough to eat, spend time near water. Sedna is the Inuit, Eskimo and Alaskan Goddess. Shes intimately connected to all sea animals. I feel both these cards are perfect for my situation. Thank you Spirit guide!:)

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